Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Voices from Our History

Thanks to, I was directed to the website linked below (Someone as to teach me how to do the link on a word thingy!) It's an amazing site; It's compiled sound clips through American history. Where else can you hear the voices of PT Barnum, William Jennings Bryan, Stokely Carmichael, and Richard Nixon all from the same page. Absolutely thrilling.


espressophile said...

I suddenly had the thought that I should leave Amy a comment.

Andrew Seely said...

2 ways to to the link with words:
easier way:
use blogger and the little world with the chain link symbol above and then enter the address, click ok.
once the address appears find >< and enter words between them and that's what will show up in the post.
harder way:actually enter the html yourself
there are 3 parts to adding a link
the "a href" and "/a" part, the link, and the words you want to appear.
in the following replace a "(" with the appropriate "<" in the end product.

To begin the link start with the tag
(a href=
after the =
you need to enter the link inbetween ""s
by now you should have

(a href=""

then you need to close that line with a )
so it will now be
(a href="")
now you can make it say what you want by adding words between the two >< just think of them as pointing to where you need to add stuff

so you should have this now

(a href="")words(

the last thing you need to do is close all tags

anytime you use a forward slash "/"
means you are telling it to end what you started
so in this case the beginning tag is the "a" before the href
so you need to close the a tag
which would look like (/a)

so put it all together and it is

(a href="

just remember to subsitute the ()s for <>s

there's your basic lesson in HTML, if you want to learn more just do a search for HTML and there are some good tutorials

Hope that helps!!!

let me know if you have any questions